Texas Tech University University Student Housing
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University Student Housing

Living Responsibly »

As our on-campus population continues to grow, our responsibility to our environment and community has to keep up. University Student Housing is committed to doing our part by improving energy efficiency in our existing halls, reducing the amount of water and chemicals used by our housekeeping staff and improving air quality with HEPA air filters.

Recycling Resources »

Sustainability starts with becoming aware of how our daily activities affect the environment around us.

Our 2013-2014 Recycling Stats

2010-2011 Recycling Statistics

How many drink cups do you go through in a day? Do you really need to copy out 50 pages from that book in the library? Just by reconsidering and modifying some of our daily habits, we can work to reduce, reuse and recycle many resources.

Just how much did University Student Housing recycle last year?

  • 138 tons of cardboard
  • 119 tons of metal (aluminum/tin)
  • 32 tons of plastic
  • 73 tons of paper, textiles, and misc.

Be on the lookout for recycling bins in all the Residence Halls. University Student Housing can also help you recycle ink cartridges, computers and batteries. Contact us at housing.gogreen@ttu.edu
to find out how!

A Culture of Conservation »

What can you do to help? Plenty! Get started by checking out one of Texas Tech's many on-campus organizations and initiatives.

sustainTECH Arbor Day 2015 Guns Up Green Up CUTE Club