Texas Tech University University Student Housing
TTU Home University Student Housing

Residence Life Philosophy

University Student Housing at Texas Tech University strives to create environments that support the intellectual and emotional growth of students. We collaborate with students, faculty and staff to foster a seamless learning experience that promotes Civility, Achievement, Engagement, Character and Independence. The aim of this collaboration is to develop responsible, caring, and confident life-long learners and citizens. We have designated educational and developmental learning outcomes to define the types of learning opportunities and experiences we will create in order to enhance the educational experience. We encourage each student to become a partner in their education by becoming an active leader and learner within their community. 

Educational and Developmental Desired Learning Outcomes


Civility is important for college students to develop in order to participate as a positive, active member of any community. Students of the residence halls at Texas Tech University, will gain experiences and skills that will further develop them as a civil minded person. 
Topics: Respect, Behavior towards others, Community, Humanitarianism, Awareness, Relationships


Academic achievement is central to the student experience in college. Students will develop a sense of pride, excellence, and aspiration in order to take charge of their own learning throughout college and life. We strive to create opportunities, experiences, and resources to assist students in their academic and personal achievement such as study skills, career development, goal setting, and time management.
Topics: Academic Success, Study Skills, Career Development, Intellectual Development, Goal Setting, Time Management, Transformative Learning, Campus Resources


Developing strong character enables an individual to build the foundation to make decisions in alignment with their values and beliefs. The college experience offers the opportunity to define who they are and the type of person they want to become. It also offers the opportunity to identify the principles that will guide them and their future decisions.
Topics: Ethics, Integrity, Values, Beliefs, Morals, Spirituality


The college experience is a partnership between the student and the university. The learning and personal development that takes place within the college experience must be fostered through active programming and intrinsic motivation to learn. Participating as an engaged student will enhance the experience and connection to transition as an active member of the community.
Topics: Service, Tradition, Leadership, Sustainability, Campus Resources


Through the college experience an individual should gain the skills to make responsible decisions regarding one’s health, safety, and personal well-being.
Topics: Responsibility, Wellness, Communication, Safety